Monday, 26 February 2007

How do we give to charity today?

How would I spend a million pounds? It would be the norm nowadays for me to say that I would use the money for a good purpose – maybe giving to starting a foundation or charity. Certainly everyone who has to answer this question publicly for a magazine or television interview say that they have some brilliant, ethical way of giving the money away. Similarly, it seems to be that celebrities nowadays must be seen to giving to charity or committing to some moral cause. For example, I was reading an article in a magazine that focused on certain celebrities who gave to charity over the year. For example, Angelina Jolie was highlighted as one who gave a significant proportion of his income to charity, along with various others such as Bill Gates and Warren Buffett.
I am certainly not highlighting these examples because I want to accuse them specifically. But, I think that, on the whole, the way the way in which people give to charity in the Western world today has become very arbitrary and self-centred. It seems that people give to charity in today’s world because it is fashionable and, in the case of celebrities, enhances their image. I point to the ‘Prince’s Trust Organisation’ as an example (though you can hardly describe Prince Charles as a celebrity) of this. Why does Prince Charles need to have his name labelled on the charity he is patron too? If he is genuinely giving to charity because he feels compelled to do so (which he should, as should we all), then why does he need to be associated so clearly with his charity? Similarly, Bill Gates and his wife Melinda Gates. They have their own foundation known as the ‘Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’! Being so clearly linked with the charity is obviously a way to promote his own image as a generous benefactor and philanthropist.
Secondly, some people say, and quite validly, that you need celebrities to advertise charities and get people to donate, this seems a very odd set of circumstances. Why do we in the Western world need to have celebrities to advertise charities? Why is giving to charity something we need encouraging to do? We are very fortunate to live in a society that is wealthy and has the ability to give to others. Yet people seem to have forgotten that giving to charity should be something we should be doing habitually!